Vocabulario para interactuar con clientes en restaurantes

Vocabulario para interactuar con clientes en restaurantes

English Spanish
Hello Hola
Goodbye Adiós
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
I am fine, thank you. Estoy bien, gracias.
What is your name? ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is [your name]. Me llamo [tu nombre].
Can I help you? ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
What would you like to order? ¿Qué te gustaría ordenar?
I would like [dish name]. Me gustaría [nombre del plato].
How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
I would like to pay with [payment method]. Me gustaría pagar con [método de pago].
Thank you for your order. Gracias por tu pedido.
Please come again. Por favor, vuelve pronto.
Palabra o Frase Traducción Uso en contexto
Hello Hola "Hello, welcome to our restaurant!"
Welcome Bienvenido/a "Welcome to our establishment. How may I assist you?"
Menu Menú "Here is our menu with a variety of dishes."
Specials Especiales "Tonight's specials include fish and chips, and a seafood pasta."
Order Pedido "Are you ready to place your order?"
Water Agua "Would you like still or sparkling water?"
Appetizer Entrada "For starters, we have a delicious Caesar salad."
Main course Plato principal "Our main courses include steak, chicken, and vegetarian options."
Dessert Postre "Save room for dessert! We have chocolate cake and ice cream."
Bill/Check Cuenta "May I bring you the bill?"
Tip Propina "Thank you for your excellent service. Here's a tip for you."
Enjoy your meal ¡Buen provecho! "Enjoy your meal and let me know if you need anything else."
Thank you Gracias "Thank you for dining with us. Have a great day!"
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